To learn how to eat a healthy diet is a fundamental step to be healthier. To improve your relation with food and reduce the feeling of deprivation, eating in a more mindful way and start to enjoy each single food is essential.
The Future of Meat: A Dive into Cultured Meat
Traditional livestock farming is presenting an ecological conundrum. It’s responsible for an astonishing 14.5% of our total greenhouse gas emissions and occupies a significant fraction
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: does the cure lie within nutritional interventions?
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis, is a complex disease that can significantly reduce quality of life, productivity and overall happiness. Diagnosis
Food processing techniques: how can they be eco-friendlier?
The food industry is very competitive and must satisfy the growing need for optimized processed and reduced food processing’s carbon footprint. Food processing techniques include
Microbial Enzymes: Their many uses in the Food Industry
People have been using microorganisms in food preparations for thousands of years. One of the best examples of their uses is in winemaking, where yeasts
The Health Benefits of Probiotics
Eli Metchnikoff was the first to identify the beneficial role of the bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract of humans, and he received the Nobel prize
Sugar Replacements – What is the best way to substitute sucrose?
Sugar is probably the most controversial ingredient since it is associated with many health risks, such as diabetes, obesity, cancer, and heart disease. People on